5 tips to stay small – but go global

The notion of a small two-man business only existing on a village parade has some what changed over the last decade. Technology has turned the globe into our village high street.

A single jewellery maker in Derby can have a client base in Australia, a family carpentry company in New Zealand can have a thriving business in Asia.

You don’t need high rise office blocks in every major capital city to have an international business. You just need a plan.

No matter what your business is selling, be it anything from shoes to production services, I believe the same principles apply.

5 top tips to taking your business to the global market place:

  1. Know how you are going to deliver. Make sure that you have thought about, and tested your workflow before you go live. What are your costs? From postage to digital transfer. Is it viable to deliver your service and remain competitive in that market? If not, how can you tweak your workflow to make sure that you are.
  2. Find partners. Whether it’s partners to deliver your service in market, online selling partners or alliances for advice. It’s always good to have ‘friends’ and a support network to help you deliver your product or services successfully.
  3. It is crucial to have a social media and online presence. You must keep your personal and business profiles separate. Follow and interact with relevant businesses and potential customers in market, whether it’s on Facebook, twitter or Instagram. It is hugely important to keep your website up to date. Your online profile is your shop window.
  4. Get to know publications, journalists and bloggers that are popular in the markets in which you are selling. Keep them up to date to try and get coverage.
  5. Research and be aware of cultural differences. Make sure that any promotional photos, films and literature appropriate for the markets in which you are advertising. Different phrases and imagery that are fine for one country, may not be deemed acceptable for another. It may also be worth considering translating some of your press releases or subtitling any promotional films to ensure that your products and services feel more ‘local’ to the people to which you are talking to.

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